Friday, August 1, 2008

A Watered-Down Summer

My friends and I have found a productive way to have safe and fun and stay out of trouble. Although, my mom doesn't think it's safe. We headed to Ririe to go cliff jumping and climb down the falls in Swan Valley. Pretty much everyone fell in love with Idaho and especially Ririe. My roomates and I go riverboarding weekly. On another weekend, my friend Claudia(from my first BYUI semester, before my mission), one of her friends, Jen, and I went to Bear Lake(it really is that color in the pic). Here are the photos of some fun:


Amanda said...

that looks like a blast! It's fun to go back to Ririe isn't it. I'm glad we grew up there.

Josh, Jessi, Justin and Addison said...

Yeah Russ I'm glad you finally did a new post! Only catch is... if you go home all the time, why don't we ever see ya? :) Looks like a fun summer though!

Damien and Ashley said...

Hey Russ-It's Ashley and Damien! I found your blog-hope you don't mind! It was fun to see what you've been up to! It's been along time since we've seen ya! Hope your family is good. Feel free to check out our blog-it's!